Thursday, September 17, 2015

Welcome to the Family!!!

This week I was so thrilled and excited to receive a message on Facebook!  It was Marsha from Indiana who had saw some of the AMAZING items that Simply Said offers and she wanted to join!  I had butterflies!!!  I was actually out with friends so I stopped everything I was doing to answer all of her questions.  The next day I received a message from the Home Office saying that we had a new designer.  I'm super excited for her to receive her kit.  I know she's going to be super excited as well!! Welcome to the family Marsha!

I am thrilled to have a new designer and it is so wonderful to see that Simply Said is growing and touching people's lives.  Honestly, I've been in many direct sales companies and this is by far the best!  It is still very new and with under 3000 designers there is so much more potential for growth. You could very well be the first in your area and can reap the rewards of spreading the word of Simply Said.  We have the most amazing products and much of what we offer can be personalized.  If you are creative or have an interest in decorating then Simply Said would like to welcome you! Visit my website to learn more! Design the life you love! 

Be blessed friends! 

Monday, September 7, 2015

I've been on vacation!

I went to the field for two weeks then I went on vacation and I completely discarded my blog.  I soooo apologize to whoever actually takes the time to read it (and I thank you)!  I went to Las Vegas with the hubby and we had such a good time.  He won $100 on the slot machine and I won 60 cents and called it quits.  FUN TIMES!

Well anywho, let me tell you about Simply Said!  For the month of September, when you spend $50 in products you get a mini design for FREE!! Isn't that great!?  Check it out! 

Neat right?! I thought so!  Well I promise to write on this blog at least once a week from now on.  I won't leave my blog readers out there with no messages from me.. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend everyone!! 

Be blessed friends!